High Regard For Women
M uch has been spoken about the inhuman
treatment of women in Islam. If one wants to know the reason
behind this, one has to closely examine Mohammed's personal life.
As far as women are conecerned, they were just objects of sexual
desire for Prophet Mohammed.
Here I expose the insatiable
sexual appetite that Mohammed possessed. This goes to show that
among others, one of the main reasons for forming this insidious
religion, Islam, was so that sex was freely available to the male
followers in the name of Allah. As I have already proved in my
article, Wondrous Treatment of Women In Islam, the Quran
justifies treating a woman as nothing but an object for sexual
desire and sometimes even an ordinary object would be treated
better. Suras in the Quran seem to pop up conveniently, so that
Mohammed can justify his perverted sexual actions. For example,
when Mohammed wanted his adopted son's wife, he suddenly got a
revelation from Allah declaring it right to take another man's
wife. When he wanted to stop his wives from quarreling or to
accept more wives, he got a quick revelation for it. My above
points are illustrated from the verses taken from Sura 33.
(Sura 33:28)
"O Prophet! Say to thy consorts: 'If it be that ye desire
the life of this world and its glitter then come! I will provide
for your enjoyment and set you free in a handsome manner.'
(Sura 33:30)
"O Consorts of the Prophet if any of you were guilty of
evident unseemly conduct, the punishment would be doubled to her,
and that is easy for Allah."
(Sura 33:37)
"....Fear Allah. Then when Zayad had dissolved his marriage
with her (Zainab) we joined her in marriage to thee: in order
that there may be no difficulty to the believers in the matter of
marriage of the wives of their adopted sons...."
The prophet's interactions with
women, his insatiable lust for lascivious ladies, his lecherous
behaviour with his wives and concubines are components that form
the model of a true muslim. The prophet is the perfect muslim man
for all devout muslims as he is the one whom Allah chose to
reveal the Quran to. And because he is the perfect man it is
every muslim's duty to follow him. For example, they cannot eat
pork because Mohammed disliked it, they have to grow a beard like
he had, they have to loot and kill like he did and likewise they
have to molest and treat women inhumanly as he did!
- The "great"
Mohammed, the founder of this "fabulous" faith
was married to Khadija Bibi who was his employer and 15
years his senior. At that time Mohammed was 25 years old.
He was Khadija Bibi's 3rd husband. Khadija Bibi was a
rich widow when she married Mohammed. For the first time
in his life, Mohammed enjoyed a luxurious life.
This shows the parasitic nature of Mohammed who
married his employer so that he can live a rich life
without putting in a single day's work.
- Khadija Bibi died when
Mohammed was 49 years old. Between the ages of 49 and 63
the "great prophet" married at least 11 times.
This shows how he treated the institution of marriage.
For him, women were nothing but objects for sexual
fulfillment. Marrying at least 11 women in 14 years
throws light on his insatiable sexual appetite. Read on
about the "greatness" of this prophet.
- Among his many other wives
Mohammed also married a 6 year old baby, Ayesha. She was
his favourite wife.
This marriage is a clear proof that his pedophilic
tendency started manifesting itself after Khadija's
death, because when she was alive he did not want to
offend her because all the wealth belonged to her.
- The prophet said that,
"the woman can be married for religion, her fortune,
or her beauty. So marry one for the religion" (Abu
Issa al-Tarmidi, Sunan al- Tarmidi, Medina n.d., p.275, B:
4, H:1092)
Therefore, according to the Prophet the woman is
either a creature who will be subjected to brutal
conversion to Islam, a golden goose or a sexual plaything.
Her virtues, intelligence or personality do not matter.
But Mohammed did not stop there. He recommends all
muslims to marry "one for the religion". Now
what does this mean ? It means that use the institution
of marriage to convert people to Islam. Now you know why
so many Muslim men marry non-muslims and convert them to
Islam. It also shows what high regard Islam has for the
sacred institution of Marriage.
- In many occasions Mohammed
did not even spare women who were originally allotted to
other soldiers of his tribe after gaining a victory in
War. One such woman was Safia Bint Huyay. This Jewish
woman was captured by lecherous muslim invaders after the
Jews were brutally murdered by Mohammed. According to a
Quranic Sura (8:41) four fifths of any booty or spoil
that is won after murdering the non-believers, is
distributed to the barbaric invaders. In Islam, women of
other religion are also considered as booty, so Safiya
bint Huyay was allotted to a soldier called Dahia. But
when Mohammed the ascetic heard of her 'incomparable
beauty', he sent for Dahiya, paid him Safiya's price and
married her. (Ibn Saad, al-Tabaqat, pp. 120-123).
- Safiya Bint Huyway was just
one of the numerous Jewish women who became prey to
Mohammed's insatiable sexual desire. Regardless of his
participation in these barbaric raids Mohammed was
alloted 1/5 of the booty as prescribed in the Quran, Sura
8:41. Rayhana Bint Zayd was another Jewish woman, whom
Mohammed captured after her tribe was totally butchered.
She was known to be a woman of immense beauty. Mohammed
kept her as a concubine. (Ibid., p. 129)
During Mohammed's time a lot of barbaric wars were
instigated by the muslims and Mohammed was always the
receiver of at least one fifths of the booty. This booty
included captured women and children. One can imagine how
many women were made into concubines for Prophet
Mohammed's carnal pleasure and how many children were his
- Maria the Copt from Egypt,
was another concubine of Mohammed. She bore him a son,
Ibrahim, who died in infancy. The Prophet's desire for
Maria was so strong that it led him to violate another of
his ideals: "That a man should be just in his
dealings with his wives. A man should keep strictly to
the rotation schedule and not have intercourse with a
wife, even if he so desired."
Hafsa, one of the Prophet's wives, however, caught him
having intercourse with Maria in Safiya's room. 'O
Prophet of God, in my room and in my day!' fulminated
Safiya angrily. Afraid of the anger of his other wives,
and especially of his most beloved Ayesha, he promised
Hafsa never to touch Maria again if she would keep the
incident secret (Ibid., p. 213). But she spoke out, and
the Prophet immediately received orders from God to
retract his promise to Safiya; he then resumed relations
with Maria (Sura 66:3).
Maria's power over the Prophet is best described in
Ayesha's words: "I never was as jealous as I was of
Maria again. That is because she was a very beautiful,
curly haired woman. The Prophet was very attracted to her.
In the beginning, she was living near us and the Prophet
spent entire days and nights with her until we protested
and she became frightened." (Ibn Saad, al-Tabaqat, p.
The Prophet then decided to transfer Maria to a more
secure dwelling far from his legitimate wives and kept
seeing her inspite of their pressure.
- Another woman that the
Prophet married for satisfying his sexual desires was
Juwariya Bint al-Harith who was according to Ayesha's
description, 'so beautiful that whoever caught a glimpse
of her fell in love with her.' (Ibid. p.117)
Ayesha's jealousy is displayed again from the following
quote: "The Prophet was in my room when Juwariya
came to ask him about a contract. By Allah, I hated her
when I saw her coming towards him. I knew that he was
going to see what I saw (her beauty)." (Ibid)
- A unique instance of the
effect of female beauty on the Prophet was that of Duba
Bint Amr who 'was among the most beautiful of Arab women....her
hair was long enough to cover all her body.'(Ibid., p.
153) Mohammed asked her son if he could marry his mother,
but later retracted when he heard that Duba Bint Amr,
although attractive, was aging.
This shows that Mohammed was only interested in
physical beauty and not in providing protection for
widows or some other charitable cuase as the Muslims have
been brain washed to believe.
- Mohammed's adopted son Zayed
was married to Zainab, daughter of Jahsh. But one day the
prophet "beheld in a loose undress, the beauty of
Zainab, and burst forth into an ejaculation of devotion
and desire. The servile, or greatful, freeman (Zayed)
understood the hint and yielded without hesitation to the
love of the benefactor."
Mohammed was not satisfied with his own overflowing
harem and had to marry his son's wife. His son being a
devoted follower of the "great" prophet was
more than happy to divorce his wife. What a great father-in-law
Mohammed was, a model for all Islamic father-in-laws.
Muslim scholar and statesman, Ali
Dashti gives the following list of women in Mohammed's life.
- Khadija
- Sawda
- Ayesha
- Omm Salama
- Hafsa
- Zainab (of Jahsh)
- Juwariya
- Omm Habiba
- Safia
- Maymuna (of Hareth)
- Fatima
- Hend
- Asma (of Saba)
- Zainab (of Khozayma)
- Habla
- Asma (of Noman)
- Maria
- Rayhana
- Omm Sharik
- Maymuna (not of Hareth)
- Zainab (third one)
- Khawla
- Duba
As a fitting punishment for
all his heinous crimes against women, it was a Jewish woman who
poisoned him in her rightful quest for revenge after the battle
of Khaybar. During the last four years of his life, his health
declined, epileptic fits became more frequent and his other
infirmities increased. After living a life of rape, perversion,
destruction and plunder, at the age of 62, Mohammed gasped his
last breath on the lap of his 17 year old child bride Ayesha who
watched him die a slow , long and horrible death.
Works of Fatima Mernissi, Dr. Robert A. Morey and A. Ghosh have
been used to compose this article.